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Agriculture Ministry Determines to Cut Long Food Supply Chain

By Pramudita Minggu, 25 Agustus 2024 Pengunjung (309) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Vice Minister of Agriculture Sudaryono committed to cut the long food supply chain from farmers to markets. He believes that this step would make the food distribution to be more efficient and drive the food price to go lower.

According to him, cutting the long supply chain will make the government officials easily monitor the stock movement in markets and identify the needs of each region. 

Sudaryono says that effective monitoring will help determine which regions require the supply and from which regions they will distribute the supply. He says that supply scarcity is not always caused by unavailability, but can also be because of distribution imbalance.

“Assuring distribution balance is vital, and with the advanced technologies that we have, we can monitor the supply movement in real-time and make the right decision,” says Sudaryono.

Furthermore, Sudaryono also highlights the importance in pushing the optimization of the food distribution system.

“We continue to push every division to give its contribution to a more efficient and effective distribution system,” continued Sudaryono.

He explains that price stability is one of the ministry’s main priorities. “We are trying to avoid food price increase by ensuring balanced supply and efficient distribution," added the Vice Minister of Agriculture.

Moreover, Sudaryono also highlights that the collaboration between farmers, markets, and governments are vital to realize this goal.

“All parties must work together to ensure that the food distribution can safely arrived to the public with a balanced price,” concludes Sudaryono.


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