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Air Force Chief Backs Civilian Role in Cyber Force

By Admin 1 Kamis, 12 September 2024 Pengunjung (291) 1 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta Air Force Chief of Staff, Air Marshal Mohammad Tonny Harjono, raised his support for recruiting civilians in the upcoming Cyber Force within the Indonesian Military (TNI), emphasizing the importance of expertise over background.

"What matters is the purpose of the organization. We have no problem if it's staffed by civilians or military personnel," he said on Wednesday (11/9/2024).

Chief Tonny assured that the Air Force is prepared for the establishment of the Cyber Force, which could become TNI’s fourth branch. The Air Force already has a cyber defense unit under its Security Service, staffed with personnel trained in Information Technology and cyber defense.

TNI Commander General Agus Subiyanto recently confirmed that President Joko Widodo has directed the formation of a Cyber Force, which will prioritize recruiting based on technical expertise, including civilian professionals.



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