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BNN Chief Highlights the Negative Impact of Drugs on People

By Pramudita Jumat, 20 September 2024 Pengunjung (247) 1 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Head of National Narcotics Agency (BNN) Marthinus Hukom highlights the negative impact of drug, particularly sexual abuse following the murder of NKS (18), the food seller girl from Padang Pariaman.

“In the murder case in Padang, the suspect was a fugitive for six years,” says Marthinus on Friday (9/20/2024).

Marthinus reveals that authorities found a bong at the place where Indra Septiarman (26), the suspect in the murder of NKS, was arrested.

“This means that his drugs affects his actions to commit crimes, sexual abuse,” explains Marthinus.

Therefore, Marthinus and his party are committed to intensive drug eradication efforts to prevent similar incidents from happening again.

If there is no intensive and comprehensive approach for drug eradication efforts, the public must be prepared with more intense and massive street crimes.

“Because this drug issue is also a concern for parents in protecting their child,” concludes Marthinus.


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