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BNN to Strengthen Rehabilitation Effort to Suppress the Exceeding Inmates

By Pramudita Kamis, 31 Oktober 2024 Pengunjung (169) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Head of National Narcotics Agency (BNN) Marthinus Hukom will strengthen the rehabilitation process on drug users to suppress the exceeding inmates in the rehabilitation center.

He said that the rehabilitation system would be strengthened through a revision of the Narcotics Law Number 35 of 2009 initiated by the BNN, so that not all drug users would have to go to prison or correctional institutions.

“We will see again on how the punishment system for drug users must be differentiated from dealers. Hopefully we can conduct an analysis, so that later we can coordinate with the Supreme Court," said the Head of BNN on Tuesday (10/29/2024).

According to him, law system must fairly see the difference between the users and smugglers, so that the revised law can give the proper sanctions to the criminals and prevent the accumulation of prisoners in prison. 

Marthinus says that in eradicating drug flows, it requires an intense collaboration and cooperation with all parties.

In addition, Marthinus reminds us that drug abuse is a dangerous sickness in society that could destroy public productivity and quality. For this reason, steps to Prevent and Eradicating Narcotics Abuse and Illicit Trafficking (P4GN) must be carried out accurately and with comprehensive manner.

The government and all stakeholders must do their best to close all loopholes that allow drug smuggling to operate. Therefore, a more humane approach will continue to be carried out by the BNN, especially in rural areas on the country's borders that are vulnerable to becoming places or centers for drug trafficking.


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