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Central Java Regional Police Thwarts Drug Smuggling from West Kalimantan

By Pramudita Rabu, 28 Agustus 2024 Pengunjung (385) 1 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Central Java. The Drug Criminal Investigation of Central Java Regional Police thwarts the delivery of 18.7 kg of methamphetamine from West Kalimantan to Surabaya.

The Deputy Chief of Central Java Regional Police, Brigadier General Agus Suryonugroho says that suspects hid the illicit items in two luggages and delivered by one of the ferry passengers with the initials of MNA. MNA disembarked at Tanjung Emas Port, Semarang on August 23, 2024.

Afterwards, the two luggages were given to IS who had been waiting at the port to be delivered to Surabaya by land before being intercepted by the police.

Other than methamphetamine, from the luggages, police also found 2,424 ecstasy pills.

“From our examination on MNA, we found out that they had delivered the drugs three times from Kalimantan,” revealed Agus on Tuesday (8/27/2024).

Further detailed by Agus, MNA and his groups first delivered the drugs in January, with 15 kilograms of meth successfully delivered. Then, they did another delivery in May with 5 kilograms of meth successfully delivered.

“With this case uncovering, we have estimated to have saved 96,000 people’s lives from the dangers of the drugs,” concludes Agus.


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