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Government Reactivates Early Detection System to Stop Mpox Outbreak

By Pramudita Kamis, 29 Agustus 2024 Pengunjung (262) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Government has reactivated the early detection system in the face of the monkeypox (Mpox) outbreak. People who arrive from abroad will have to fill out an electronic surveillance card.

“The first thing that we do is improve our surveillance system. Our President has decided that we will have to reactivate the Electronic Surveillance Card, which some of you may remember PeduliLindungi, So everyone coming from abroad will have to scan the QR Code and they will receive yellow, green, or red signs. If it’s green, then they are safe. If it’s either yellow or red, then we will check their body temperature,”  explained Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin on Tuesday (8/27/2024).

He continued if the person was having high body temperature and rashes, the person would be tested by sampling or PCR. These efforts have been prepared in Jakarta and Bali, especially ahead of the implementation of the Indonesia-Africa Forum (IAF).

Following the sampling or PCR test, the officials will determine the next step, whether to release them or not. Officials will isolate them if they are found positive with the virus.

“If they are positive with the virus, then we will immediately isolate them at the hospital as we have prepared the anti-virus and medicines for the treatment,” concludes Minister Budi.


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