- Jakarta. The Ministry of Children and Women Empowerment will provide healing service for victims of abuse, including abuse rooted from online gambling.
"When women and children become victims of violence for whatever reason, including online gambling, we provide final referral services for handling it," said the Assistant Deputy for Protection of Women's Rights in Households and Vulnerable Women, Eni Widiyanti on Monday (11/18/2024).
In addition, the Regional Technical Implementation Unit for the Protection of Women and Children (UPTD PPA) in the region also provides similar services.
According to her, women and children are vulnerable to the behavior of those addicted to online gambling, as someone who is addicted to online gambling will use up personal and family assets until they run.
"The more assets they use, the more eager and curious they become in gambling, which makes them more desperate and reckless in searching for more money,” said Eni.
Then when the family's assets run out, they usually become even more outrageous and vile, even taking loans with very high interest rates.
"This causes the family's economy to be affected. Nutrition, school, and the child's primary needs are also affected," said Assistant Deputy Eni.