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Head of BNN Remarks the Importance of Strong Intelligence in Eradicating Drugs

By Pramudita Senin, 18 November 2024 Pengunjung (135) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Head of National Narcotics Agency (BNN), Marthinus Hukom highlights the importance of developing a strong narcotics intelligent, particularly in area with busy drugs flow.

He believes that the intelligence officials of BNN must have higher capability than the other sectors, particularly in the drug sector. This capability includes the utilization of techno-intel and human-intel.

“I want the collaboration of these two intelligence aspect to create a more accurate and effective analysis,” says Marthinus.

In building stronger and quality drugs intelligence, BNN is committed to continue to recruit quality intelligent members in intensifying drug eradication in Indonesia, one of which is through BNN Intelligent Officer Training that was held on October 7th-21st, 2024.

Meanwhile, he also appealed for BNN members to have intrinsic awareness on carrying out their duties. Moreover, Marthinus also highlights the challenges faced by members in their duties which is fear in making mistakes.

In light of this situation, Marthinus encouraged his members to be open minded in creating more innovative ideas. He also emphasized the importance of the provincial BNN role in coordinating with regional government and related institutions.

As part of a multidimensional approach to combating drugs, the Head of the Indonesian National Narcotics Agency also invited the ranks of the Provincial National Narcotics Agency to strengthen collaboration with customary law in areas where the community still adheres to traditional values.

Customary law is considered effective in building self-awareness, while positive law plays a role in enforcing regulations.

With these steps, BNN hopes to strengthen efforts to prevent and eradicate drugs in Indonesia and build public trust in BNN's performance in order to realize Indonesia Emas 2045.


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