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Higher Education to be Prioritized in Achieving 2045 Golden Indonesia

By Admin INP Sabtu, 18 Januari 2025 Pengunjung (126) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Minister of Higher Education, Science, and Technology (Mendiktisaintek), Satryo Soemantri Brodjonegoro stated that his party prioritizes the quality of higher education in order to prepare the young generations towards Golden Indonesia 2045.

"We hope to prepare for Golden Indonesia 2045. That is our main focus, from now until 2029," said Satryo on Friday (1/17/2025).

He emphasized that the Ministry of Education and Science and Technology always strives for higher education in Indonesia to be able to prepare the human resources needed to achieve the target of Golden Indonesia 2045.

"In general what I am trying to do from now on is to ensure that each university must have a positive impact on society, the nation, and the state," explained Minister Satryo.

He also instructed each university to review the programs implemented by each campus and ensure that the impact of the university is present for the community, nation, and state.

"At least we hope that there are talents from university graduates who are able to work for themselves, their families, their communities, and society in general," said the Minister Satryo.

According to Minister Satryo, the best education is one that can prepare its graduates to have the ability to do something useful.

Furthermore, Satryo added one additional aspect that is no less important, namely that every graduate must always be learning throughout their whole life.

He said that every college graduate in Indonesia, in the future will have huge challenges, and some jobs can be taken over by artificial intelligence (AI).

"To develop Indonesia to its golden years, we must have technology that can compete globally and improve the productivity of our country," said the Minister of Education and Science.


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