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Istiqlal Mosque Imam Views the Visit of Pope Francis as the Symbol of Brotherhood

By Pramudita Jumat, 06 September 2024 Pengunjung (232) 1 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Imam of Istiqlal Mosque Jakarta, Ustadz Husni Ismail, welcomed Pope Francis to Istiqlal Mosque. According to him, the Pope's arrival not only marks an important moment for Indonesia, but also a symbol of global brotherhood.

“It is obvious that the visit of Pope Francis has given a color, a sense of love and affection, the same thing that we show to the Pope and his entourage,” says Husni Ismail in his statement on Wednesday (9/4/2024).

He continues that the visit is also a form of respect and love for fellow human beings, as exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

Pope Francis is known by the world as a figure who fights for peace and modesty, shown when he passed through The Tunnel of Friendship, which serves as a symbol of harmony between religious communities in Indonesia.

“The symbol of the tunnel is a demonstration of harmony between our places of worship in Indonesia,” explains Husni Islmail.

His visit hopefully could strengthen the spirit of brotherhood, not only in Indonesia, but also the world.


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