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Kompolnas Appreciates INP for Maintaining their Roles Amidst DWP Extortion Case Handling

By Pramudita Senin, 30 Desember 2024 Pengunjung (131) 1 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The National Police Commission (Kompolnas) appreciates the Indonesian National Police (INP) step in the rotation of a number of positions, where several members were transferred in connection with the investigation into the alleged DWP extortion case.

“This is a commendable step and has to be appreciated as it will ease the investigation process,” says Kompolnas Commissioner Choirul Aram on Monday (12/30/2024).

He also explains that the ethics hearings will be the key in revealing the individuals responsible for the misconduct. On the other hand, police work will have to continue as usual.

“What I mean is the police roles must be going as they should although there are changes in personnel. That is the aim of the transfer,” explains Choirul Anam.

Kompolnas remains confident with INP that they will handle this case thoroughly, professionally, and transparently, moreover with the involvement of Kompolnas as their external supervisor.


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