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Opening PON XXI in North Sumatra Will be Held Simultaneously with Aceh

By Pramudita Senin, 09 September 2024 Pengunjung (260) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Medan. The opening ceremony of the XXI Aceh-North Sumatra National Sports Week (PON) 2024 will not only be held in Aceh Province, but also at the Baharuddin Siregar Stadium, Deli Serdang, North Sumatra, on September 9th, 2024.

The opening ceremony in North Sumatra will take place in a hybrid manner, online and offline, and is directly connected to the opening in Aceh which is scheduled to be opened by the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo at 20.30 pm.

In a press conference held at the PON XXI Media Center, at the Santika Dyandra Hotel, Medan on Friday (9/62024), the Head of the Civil Service Police Unit (Kasatpol PP) of North Sumatra Province, M. Mahfullah Pratama Daulay, explained that North Sumatra will participate in the entire series of events centered in Aceh simultaneously.

"The MC and rundown here will be aligned with those in Aceh. Even though the President will be in Aceh, the event in North Sumatra will still take place with enthusiasm," he explained.

The event at Baharuddin Siregar Stadium is expected to be attended by 5,880 spectators, which is limited because part of the stadium area is used for the main stage.

"This stadium can actually accommodate around 12 thousand people, but the audience capacity is limited because there are preparations for the event stage. For people who do not get tickets, we have provided a big screen outside the stadium so that they can still enjoy the event live," said Mahfullah.

On that occasion, Mahfullah also explained why Baharuddin Siregar Stadium was chosen as the venue for the opening of PON in North Sumatra, not the North Sumatra Main Stadium.

"The North Sumatra Main Stadium is focused for the closing ceremony of PON and is currently still in the final stages of completion. Therefore, we chose a location that is more ready for the opening," he said.


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