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Participants of State Civil Servants Test Urged Not to be Tempted by Brokers

By Pramudita Jumat, 23 Agustus 2024 Pengunjung (325) 1 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Minister for Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform Abdullah Azwar Anas reminded the participants of the 2024 Candidates for Civil Servants selection not to be tempted by the lure and deception of brokers who promise a "ready path" to become the state civil servant.

“I warned you not to be tempted by those who promised you that they can pass you in,” said Minister Azwar on Wednesday (8/21/2024).

Azwar assures that there are no “special route” in becoming the state civil servant as the supervision for the test would be strengthened and the selection system will be improved to reduce the possibility of cheating.

He also says that the test for the state civil servants will be difficult and hard to be manipulated as was the concern of the public.

“All will be based on the Computer Assisted Test. The test will be open for all and everyone has the same opportunity,” said Minister Azwar.

In anticipating cheatings during the test, his party has strengthened their security system, such as the installation of double face recognition when registering and during the selection process.


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