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Police Chase Man Who Kidnapped and Raped a Girl at a Warehouse in Tangerang

By Pramudita Kamis, 31 Oktober 2024 Pengunjung (186) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. A 17 year old girl was abducted and raped in a warehouse in Cibodas, Tangerang City.

The Head of Metro Jaya Regional Police Public Relations Division, Senior SuperintendentAde Ary Syam Indradi says that the victim was abducted by YH (19) for 10 days from October 18th, 2024.

“For about 10 days the victim was raped by the suspect in a warehouse, on the second floor,” says Ade on Tuesday (10/29/2024).

Ade also reveals that the two were initially met through social media Facebook. After they have been knowing each other for quite some time, they decided to meet in West Jakarta.

“The relationship between the two, according to the suspect, is boyfriend and girlfriend after meeting on Facebook,” says Ade.

Then, after the two met in West Jakarta, YH invited the girl to come to his home in Cibodas, Tangerang City. There, upon their arrival, the girl was kidnapped and raped at his warehouse.

“The girl said that if she refused, he would tied her up with a rope,” said Ade.

After going through hell for ten days, the girl was finally able to escape. Helped by a witness, they both went to Jatiuwung Sector Police to report the case.

“The victim has been examined by the medical unit and has returned to her parents. Today, we are still searching for the rapist that had run away,” concluded Ade.


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