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Police Investigates the Unknown Naked Body Finding in Sukabumi

By Pramudita Selasa, 03 September 2024 Pengunjung (240) 2 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id - Sukabumi. Police investigates an unknown naked body, found in irrigation canals around rice fields in Cimanggu Village, Sukabumi Regency, West Java.

"The finding of the body near rice fields of Ciheulanhtonggoh Village, Cibadak District, was first found by a farmer at 06.00 am when he was about repair the waterways," says Cibadak Sector Police Chief, Police Senior Inspector Idji Djubaedi on Saturday (8/31/2024).

In his statement, Idji heard that the farmer smelled a pungent stench and was curious, so he looked for the source of the smell and was shocked to find a man's body in the irrigation canal that was starting to rot.

Around 07.00 am, members of Cibadak Sector Police who received the news immediately went to the location.

When the police arrived, they estimated that the man had died two days ago. The physical characteristics of the body are brown skin, about 160 cm tall, and estimated age is 30 - 40 years.

Not far from the location, officials found the clothes of the man which are a red sweater, brown trousers, black and white shirt, green t-shirt, and a cash of 20,000 IDR.

The unknown body has been evacuated to R. Syamsudin Hospital for visum et repertum to identify the cause of his death.

Furthermore, police continue to coordinate with village officials and district government to identify the man.


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