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Sorong Health BPJS Encourages People for Healthy Lifestyle with New App Feature

By Pramudita Jumat, 01 November 2024 Pengunjung (171) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Sorong. BPJS (Social Security Administering Body) of Health, supports a healthy lifestyle for every National Health Insurance (JKN) participant by utilizing their new health feature in the JKN mobile application which is designed to monitor the health and physical activity of JKN participants effectively and efficiently.

Head of BPJS Sorong Branch, West Papua, Pupung Purnama, explained that the new feature in the JKN mobile application is a strategic step in facilitating the community to be more active in maintaining their health.

"With this feature, participants can monitor physical activity and regulate their lifestyle," he explained on Wednesday (10/30/24).

Health BPJS is committed to continuing to provide services that are not only of high quality but also make it easier for people to maintain their health.

This feature is one of the efforts to meet the needs of JKN participants for more responsive and integrated services.

In his statement, he said this feature allows users to monitor vital health data, body measurements, step activity, energy spent, and distance traveled in daily activities.

In addition, this feature can also measure sleep quality and calories burned, so that JKN participants can have a comprehensive picture of their health.

"We hope that with the fit feature, participants will not only rely on health services when they are sick, but will also be proactive in maintaining their health, especially in the midst of daily activities where people often forget to exercise or maintain a good diet," he explained.

Pupung Purnama, explained that the ease of accessing the fitness feature is one of the main advantages of the JKN mobile application. In addition, this feature can also be integrated with a smartwatch, so that people can more easily monitor their daily activities without difficulty.


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