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Supporting Asta Cita Program, Madago Raya Preventive Operation Prepares Land for Chili Planting

By Pramudita Senin, 23 Desember 2024 Pengunjung (101) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Poso. In supporting food security while strengthening local agricultural commodities, personnel from Task Force III Preventive Operation Madago Raya carried out a series of livestock maintenance activities and land preparation for planting chilies at Pos Kotis, located in Poso Regency, Central Sulawesi.

The activity aims to enhance the local food security while supporting President Prabowo’s Asta Cita Program to realize national food sovereignty.

Head of Task Force III Preventive Ops Madago Raya Senior Superintendent Kurniawan Tandi Rongre in his statement, said that this activity is one of the concrete steps in helping the surrounding community and supporting the food security program initiated by the government.

"We want to ensure that this activity can provide direct benefits to the community and support the local economy, especially in the field of food security," he said.

Moreover Kurniawan noted that other than livestock maintenance, land preparation for planting chilies is part of the effort to increase commodities that can enrich the community's agricultural output.

"By selecting chili as one of the plants suitable for planting in the area, it is expected to enrich the community's agricultural products and strengthen sustainable food security," he said.

Senior Superintendent Kurniawan Tandi Rongre added that in addition to supporting food security, this activity is also expected to be a long-term solution for community welfare.


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