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The Formation of INP’s New Directorate Received Positive Feedbacks from Many

By Pramudita Senin, 23 September 2024 Pengunjung (252) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Indonesian National Police (INP) Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo emphasized that the formation of Directorate of Women, Children and Human Trafficking Criminal Investigation was to answer public unrest.

This restructuring is also considered as a quick move and attention from the Chief of Police in responding to concerns over various forms of crime in this area.

On the other hand, the formation of the directorate also received positive feedback from many parties, including the National Commission of Women.

“Considering the many reports and cases that become more complex, the formation of the directorate is necessary for us. The appointment of Brigadier General Desy Andriani as the Director of Women, Children, and Human Trafficking Criminal Investigation Directorate is also a step forward that we need to appreciate and support as we pray that the branch in regional areas are strengthened,” says the Chair of National Commission of Women, Andy Yentriyani on Monday (9/22/2024).

On the other hand, the Indonesian Children Protection Commission (KPAI) also appreciates the formation of the new directorate.

“KPAI appreciates INP Chief who bolsters his forces with the formation of Directorate of Women, Children and Human Trafficking Criminal Investigation,” says the Vice Head of KPAI, Jasra Putra.

KPAI assessed that the establishment of the directorate had an impact on the community in providing assurance regarding the handling of more serious cases by the police.

Previously, INP Chief General Listyo Sigit appointed Brigadier General Desy Andriani as the Director Directorate of Women, Children and Human Trafficking Criminal Investigation.

“This is part of INP Chief commitment in upholding justice for women and children, also vulnerable groups by officially forming the Directorate of Women, Children and Human Trafficking Criminal Investigation and appoints Brigadier General Desy Andriani as its director,” says the Head of INP Public Information Bureau, Brigadier General Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko.


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