- East Java. The Agricultural Minister Andi Amran Sulaiman appreciates the East Java Regional Police for the innovation of Blitar Sub-regional Police on their super corn seed cultivation which they named Hybrid Seed Type TKS 234.
"They are truly amazing in supporting the National Food Self-Sufficiency Program through their high quality Corn Seed Cultivation," says Minister Amran on Tuesday (1/21/2025).
Minister Amran also expressed his gratitude towards the East Java Regional Police who has stirred up the program to realize the Asta Cita of President Prabowo.
"Representing the farmers from across the country, we thank the East Java Regional Police who has collaborated and committed in realizing the national food self-sufficiency," thanked Amran.
Amran also says that he will buy all the corn seeds from the corn seeds cultivation lf Blitar Sub-regional Police.
He hopes that the corn seeds can be useful and successful in realizing food self-sufficiency that has been envisioned y President Prabowo Subianto.
Diharapkan benih jagung tersebut bisa bermanfaat dan sukses dalam mewujudkan ketahanan pangan yang dicanangkan Presiden Prabowo Subianto melalui program Asta Cita.