- Jakarta. The National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) together with the Ministry of Communication and Digital have banned 180,954 online contents of intolerance, radicalism, extremism, and terrorism throughout 2024.
The Head of BNPT Eddy Hartono says that most of the contents are the propagandas from the terrorist networks such as ISIL, HTI, and JAD who actively spread their extremist ideologies from the digital platform.
He emphasized that prevention is the key in handling and anticipating terrorist threats.
“Prevention measures are what must be focused by the ministries and institutions so that Indonesia can be free from the terrorist,” says Head of BNPT on Tuesday (12/24/2024).
The strategic move of banning the hundreds of thousands of contents is part of BNPT's preventive effort against the spread of terrorism in digital spaces.
Based on the findings of the Indonesia Knowledge Hub (I-KHub) BNPT CT/VE Outlook, terrorist groups often use digital space to recruit members, spread extremist doctrine, and plan violent actions.
In addition to taking action against radical content, BNPT is also actively conducting socialization and education to the public about the dangers of radicalism. This effort is made to promote harmony between religious communities while breaking the chain of radicalism in Indonesia.
These steps demonstrate BNPT's commitment to maintaining the integrity of the nation and protecting society from the negative influence of violent ideologies that threaten the stability of the country.
Martinus Hukom is optimistic that with solid cross-sector cooperation, Indonesia can continue to suppress the space for terrorist groups to move, both in the real world and in cyberspace.