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Dismissal of Dadang Shows Firm Actions of INP: Lemkapi Says

By Pramudita Kamis, 28 November 2024 Pengunjung (177) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Indonesian Police Strategic Studies Institute (Lemkapi) said that the dismissal of the Head of Operations for the South Solok Sub-regional Police, Police Assistant Superintendent Dadang Iskandar as a member of the police was a form of the Police's strict attitude towards its members who violated the law.

"Dismissal or dishonorable discharge (PTDH) is a strict attitude of the Police leadership who never hesitate to give strict sanctions to every member of the Police who violates the law," said Lemkapi Executive Director Edi Hasibuan on Wednesday (11/27/2024).

Executive Director Edi explained that the dismissal was also an effort made by the Police to maintain the dignity and honor of the Police institution in the community.

According to Executive Director Edi, the actions committed by Dadang constitute a serious ethical violation and fall into the category of despicable acts so that he must be getting the most severe sanction, which is a dismissal.

"We hope that with this severe sanction, there will be no more similar cases occurring within the police force," said Executive Director Edi.

He also invited all ranks of the police to improve their performance and professionalism so that police can regain their trust from the public.

In addition to processing the criminal case with Article 340 of the Criminal Code concerning premeditated murder with the threat of the death penalty, the police force also held a hearing for violations of ethics and the professional code of ethics. As a result Dadang was given an administrative sanction in the form of dishonorable dismissal.


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