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Enhanced Patrol Carried Out to Ensure Security in Maland during Ramadan

By Admin INP Senin, 17 Maret 2025 Pengunjung (66) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Malang. Police held Enhanced Routine Activities (KRYD), Saturday (15/3/25). Patrols were carried out in order to anticipate disturbances to public security and order during the month of Ramadan.

"We are conducting this patrol as an anticipatory measure against sahur on the road using loudspeaker sound, illegal racing, and other potential disturbances to public order during Ramadan. We want the public to feel safe and comfortable while performing their worship," said Malang Sub-regional Police Chief, Superintendent Danang Setiyo.

The patrol was carried out on Friday (3/14/2025) night until Saturday (3/15/2025) early morning. The targets include sahur on the road activities using loudspeaker sound to illegal racing that disturbs residents.

The patrol route taken includes various points in the jurisdiction of the Malang Sub-regional Police, namely starting from Kepanjen, Bululawang, to Gondanglegi Districts. While the main targets are a number of points prone to crowds and youth actions that have the potential to disrupt order.

Meanwhile, Chief of the Malang Sub-regional Police Drug Criminal Investigation Unit, Police Senior Inspector Yussy Purwanto, says officers also conducted patrols at coffee shops in the Taman Puspa area, Ir. Soekarno, and West Ring Road.

"In addition to providing a karaoke place, the coffee shop was also found selling various types of alcoholic beverages. Officers then conducted a search and confiscated dozens of bottles of liquor from various brands," he said.

Patrol officers also headed to locations that are often used as illegal racing venues. Among them are the Kanjuruhan Stadium area and Penarukan street, Kepanjen District.


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