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Foreign Minister Retno Highlights Indonesian Diaspora Role in Building the Country

By Pramudita Jumat, 23 Agustus 2024 Pengunjung (331) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Indonesian Foreign Affairs Minister Retno Marsudi says one of the important roles of Indonesian diasporas is to be the agent of change and the catalyst for the 2045 Golden Indonesia grand vision.

“Diasporas are not just the people who live abroad, but they are also an important capital for our nation,” says Minister Retno on Tuesday (8/20/2024).

Considering the importance of diaspora in national development, Retno says that her party and the The National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) has identified thousands of Indonesian diaspora as part of more than 690 thousand potential national talents.

The national potential talents that have been identified were from three main sectors, which are research and innovation, art and culture, and also sports. They will be gathered in national talents development and expected to be able to develop their respective sectors for the better of Indonesia.

Other than act as the agent of change, Minister Retno also says that Indonesian diaspora also act as the navigator of the future, particularly amidst the new technological advancement such as renewable energy and artificial intelligence.

"The diaspora is our leader in recognizing potential, solving problems and creating solutions to the dynamics we face," said Foreign Minister Retno.

She also conveys the view of President Joko Widodo on the diaspora as the bridge for Indonesian talents in the global community. “Every Indonesian diaspora is an ambassador for us in realizing peace, prosperity, democratic, and developed Indonesia,” explains Minister Retno.

Therefore, it is inevitable for Indonesia and the diaspora to build a productive and beneficial collaboration for the brighter future of Indonesia.


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