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Former INP PR Division Emphasized the Importance of Innovation

By Pramudita Kamis, 31 Oktober 2024 Pengunjung (162) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Former Head of Indonesian National Police (INP) Public Relations Division, Commissioner General (ret.) Boy Rafli Amar, saw that innovation indeed needs to be continued by the police ranks to face the challenges ahead.

“Well, working in the PR division indeed is interesting as challenges never stop coming to us in every second. In light of this situation, it requires us to be more dynamic and never stop to innovate, just as we did back in 2017,” says Boy during a paneling session at the 73rd Indonesian Police Public Relations Anniversary celebration event at The Tribrata, South Jakarta, on Wednesday (10/30/2024).

He says that the INP PR Division, as the bearer of the main function of the police, has to maintain the trust given by the public.

The dissemination of positive content, said Boy, must be intensified by the ranks of INP Public Relations. Moreover, there is already a Multimedia Bureau that plays a role in this matter.

With positive content, he said, the whole world can see how good things are done by INP to serve the community. Collaboration involving the community must also continue to be carried out.

“We have this chance to connect with the people. Thus, our human resources must be equipped properly, such as in their education at State Police School, High Staff and Leadership School, and Officer Formation School,” says Boy.

With competent and quality HR, the work of INP PR Division can be carried out smoothly.

"In a life in a democratic state, we are required to provide good service to the community," he explained.


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