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Fraud and Money Laundering Perpetrators of “Online Shop Grab Toko” Arrested by Police Criminal Investigation Unit

By Cpiet Senin, 11 Januari 2021 Pengunjung (316) 3 Mins Read
Jakarta - Directorate of Cyber ​​Crime, Criminal Investigation Agency (Bareskrim) The Police of the Republic of Indonesia arrested the suspect with the initials YMP (33 years old), a perpetrator of online fraud and money laundering. The perpetrator was secured based on Police Report Number: LP / B / 0019 / I / 2021 / Bareskrim. The perpetrator is a private employee. "The perpetrator asked a third party for help to create an online shopping website. This website is also known to use hosting abroad, ”said the Director of the Cyber ​​Crime Directorate of the Indonesian National Police, Brigadier General Pol Slamet Uliandi in an interview conducted virtually, Monday (11/01/2021). The arrests were made in the area of ​​Selong Village, Kebayoran Baru District, on Saturday, January 9, 2021 at around 20.00 WIB. From the hands of the perpetrator, the police secured a number of evidences including 4 (four) units of Samsung and Oppo smartphones, 1 (one) laptop, 2 (two) Simcards, 1 (one) ID card and 4 (four) check books. from BRI, BCA and Mandiri banks. The perpetrator launched the action by creating a website called GrabToko (www.grabtoko.com) which offers various kinds of electronic goods at very cheap prices, this has attracted the interest of many people who end up shopping but the goods are not delivered. From the perpetrator's information, it is known that there are 980 (nine hundred and eighty) customers who ordered electronic goods from the GrabToko website, but only 9 (nine) customers received the ordered items. and 9 (nine) items that were sent to the customer were actually bought by the perpetrator at ITC at normal prices, "explained the Head of Sub-Directorate II of the Cyber ​​Crime Directorate of the Indonesian Police Criminal Investigation Agency, Senior Commissioner of Police Adex Yudiswan. The perpetrator rents an office in the Kuningan area, and employs 6 (six) customer service employees, whose task is to ask for additional delivery time, if a customer asks why the ordered item has not been delivered. The six customer services work equipped with a laptop by the perpetrator, which is apparently obtained by renting from someone else. In carrying out the investigation process, Dittipidsiber Bareskrim Polri is assisted by several banks including BCA, BNI & BRI. The bank also assists investigators in their efforts to deal with this crime. The total loss is interpreted to be around 17 billion Rupiah from advertisers and buyers. The perpetrator is also suspected of investing the proceeds of his crime into crypto currency, and this will be handled through a separate file. For his actions, the perpetrator was charged under article 28 paragraph 1 in conjunction with article 45A paragraph 1 of law number 19 of 2016 on amendments to law number 11 of 2008 and / or article 378 of the Criminal Code and / or article 82 and / or article 85 of the law. number 3 of 2011 concerning Fund Transfers, with a maximum threat of 6 (six) years in prison and / or a maximum fine of IDR 1,000,000,000 (one billion rupiah). "On this occasion the Director of the Cyber ​​Crime Directorate said that in the era of 4.0 and entering the era of 5.0, the dynamics of crime using virtual world media continues to develop and the pattern is the same, selling cheap goods to collect victims, both in the form of electronics, precious metals, vehicles, property and many more. other offers. Be careful with the seduction of cheap and very profitable goods. Cross-check and do a lot of research before getting caught with a similar fraud mode. We also always monitor and make efforts to prevent this from happening again, ”explained Slamet.
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