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Free Nutritious Meals Targets Papua Remote Areas: Social Affairs Ministry Says

By Pramudita Senin, 11 November 2024 Pengunjung (121) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Social Affairs Ministry said the Free Nutritious Meals program would target disadvantaged, outermost and frontier (3T) areas in Papua.

According to the Deputy Minister of Social Affairs, Agus Jabo Priyono, the Free Nutritious Meals program can be implemented as long as there is collaboration and  leadership with one command.

"In an effort to create a superior generation, we affirm our commitment to executing the free nutritious meal program," said the Deputy Minister of Social Affairs.

He explained that in the Ministry of Social Affairs there are two types of programs, the first is the inclusive programs, which is the Family Hope Program (PKH) and social assistance. Then the second is an adaptive program, such as programs in mitigating and handling disaster.

"To be able to implement the two programs, the Ministry of Social Affairs has indeed made numerous efforts, both in improving the human resources and providing goods needed by the community," explained Agus

Agus says that currently his party has around 120,000 assistants and volunteers and 31 centers, along with 600 food warehouses to support Social Affairs Ministry programs in the area.

"And now we are just waiting for President Prabowo's direct instructions to execute the free nutritious meal program," said Agus.

He added that good nutrition is one of the key factors in preparing a superior generation, where nutritious food can have a positive effect on the physical and mental of the new young generation.


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