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INP Monitor and Evaluate Food Security Program of Maluku Regional Police

By Admin INP Senin, 13 Januari 2025 Pengunjung (139) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Ambon. The Indonesian National Police (INP) General Supervision Inspector held a monitoring meeting and evaluation program of food security and firearm control along with the ranks of Maluku Regional Police on Monday (1/13/2025).

Led by Maluku Regional Supervision Inspector, Senior Superintendent Marthen Luther Hutagaol, he states that there are several programs that need to be completed successfully.

Marthen says that the INP and Agriculture Ministry is working together to do food security programs, one of which is the making of one million hectares of corn fields.

In implementing this program, there are several criteria that must be considered such as not planting on land owned by Perhutani; not at the existing corn fields; and also not at the land prepared for planting superior rice.

"We, as the driving force, move to coordinate and see if the programs are in accordance with the targets set by the Ministry of Agriculture," explained Marthen Luther Hutagaol.

Regarding the use of firearms, as of now the police higher ups have ordered all firearms to be stored at the warehouse, including the police personnel of Maluku Regional Police.

“Today we also inspected the firearm storage and Maluku Regional Police Mobile Brigade Unit storage,” concludes Marthen.


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