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Land Mafia Hit Operation Has Saved IDR 6 Trillion Potential Losses: Minister AHY Says

By Pramudita Sabtu, 21 September 2024 Pengunjung (259) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Minister of Agrarian and Spatial Unit, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) says Land Mafia Hit Operation has saved a potential losses of IDR 6 trillion as of September 2024.

“The Land Mafia Hit Operation as of today has saved a potential of IDR 6 trillion state and public losses,” says Minister AHY on Thursday (9/19/2024).

He says that from the total of funds saved, the biggest raid operation was in Central Java with the potential loss of IDR 3.4 trillion. According to him, each region has their own land mafias. However the scales of loss caused by the land mafia varies.

He said the land mafia operation has also hampered the flow of investment. In Grobogan, the land mafia has made investors cancel the realization of investment, while the realization of investment is crucial to open many job opportunities.

According to Minister AHY, his party will continue to eradicate all operations of land mafia. He will strengthen cooperation with the Indonesian National Police, the Attorney General's Office and various other stakeholders to do so.

He also said that several operational targets have been set. In addition, Minister AHY admitted that he would also eradicate land mafia networks, including those involved within his own party.

"This is not an easy task. And we appeal to the public to immediately report to us about any land mafia activities. We will immediately act upon them," concluded Minister AHY.


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