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LPSK Ready to Provide Protection to Komdigi Online Gambling Case Witness

By Pramudita Sabtu, 16 November 2024 Pengunjung (186) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Deputy Chairman of the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) Antonius PS Wibowo said that his party is ready to provide protection and keep the identities of witnesses confidential in the online gambling case involving employees of the Ministry of Communication and Digital.

"Identity confidentiality is one way to make witnesses safe when testifying. Physical protection can also be provided, in addition to identity confidentiality, even witnesses who are protected by LPSK can also receive special assistance until they are placed in a safe house," said the Deputy Chairperson of LPSK on Thursday (11/14/2024).

According to Antonius, his party appreciates the success of the police in exposing online gambling practices in the ministry. The exposure of the scandal can lead the law enforcement authorities to a larger scale of online gambling activities.

Furthermore, LPSK considers that witness statements are needed to reveal every piece of evidence that leads to a larger online gambling case.

The witness who is likely also from within the ministry must be given proper protection so that they are not intervened in providing information.

"Therefore, LPSK is ready to play our role in this matter. Not only will LPSK keep the identity of the witness confidential, but also keep it confidential during the investigation process until the trial," said the Deputy Chairman of LPSK.

He hopes that LPSK's role can help the investigation process smoothly until finally the online gambling scandal case in the ministry can be resolved properly.


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