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Manpower Ministry Committed to Oversee Adequate Protection for Workers

By Pramudita Selasa, 27 Agustus 2024 Pengunjung (207) 1 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Vice Minister of Manpower Afriansyah Noor committed that the government will oversee the realization of adequate protection for workers and the implementation of responsible business practices. He says those are the key to maintaining a balance between economic growth and social welfare.

“The Indonesian government committed to continue to push and oversee these principles' implementation so that every worker in this country can enjoy their rights, are protected, and can work in humane conditions,” said Afriansyah on Thursday (8//22/2024).

Afriansyah highlights the importance of joint commitment in implementing an accountable business practice. The accountable business practice, says Afriansyah, meant that every choice would only consider the profit, but also its impact on environment and human rights.

As part of this commitment, he continued, the National Strategy for Business and Human Rights (Stranas BHA) which has been ratified through Presidential Regulation Number 60 of 2023 must be strengthened through the formation of supportive policies, strict supervision, and increasing the awareness and capacity of business actors.

He hopes that Stranas BHA could be the basis for business practice that puts forward the human rights principles and international labor standards.


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