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Injuries Are the Risks for Security Personnel on Duty: Mobile Brigade Commander Says

By Pramudita Senin, 26 Agustus 2024 Pengunjung (215) 1 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Security effort by the police to secure the protest in front of the Indonesian parliament building injured several police members on duty. The protest was escalating until the security force was able to disperse the riot in the later evening.

The Commander of Metro Jaya Regional Police Mobile Brigade Corps, Senior Superintendent Gatot Mangkurat reports several members were injured by the hurling stones. However he notes that it is normal and part of the consequences in securing a protest.

“Well, they were angry and they really showed it to us, to the security members. It is part of our consequences. One of my personnel even has to get treated in the hospital,” says Gatot on Friday (8/23/2024).

He also noted that he and the Central Jakarta Sub-regional Metro Police Chief were also hurled by the stone when securing the protest.

On the other hand, Gatot assures that security personnel are still stationed in the parliament complex and the General Election Commission building to anticipate another protest.


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