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Megathrust Has Happened Thrice Around 300 to 600 Years Ago: BRIN Says

By Pramudita Senin, 09 September 2024 Pengunjung (257) 1 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Young expert researcher at the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Nuraini Rahma Hanifa, explains what megathrust is. Megathrust is a natural phenomenon that can trigger earthquakes with large magnitudes similar to the earthquake in Aceh in late 2004.

"Megathrust is simply a fault plane, a thrust fault plane. This thrust fault plane is specifically located between the meeting of the plate plane, Oceanic, and the crust of the plate," she explained on Friday (9/6/24).

Nuraini said that Megathrust was formed along the meeting of the Australian and Eurasian plates. It can be one of the major seismic threats to the southern region of Indonesia, especially Java.

"With a fault length reaching 1,000 km from the Sunda Strait to Bali. The potential for this megathrust earthquake resembles the major earthquake in Aceh in 2004," he said.

She further explained that this was not the first time a major earthquake had occurred in Indonesia, and that it had become a cycle.

According to the research. at least three megathrusts happened around 300 to 600 years ago, it did happen in the south of Java.


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