- Jakarta. The Ministry of PANRB (Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform), supports the strengthening of the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) via multiplying cross-sector work for the prevention and eradication of drug abuse.
Minister of PANRB, Rini Widyantini, revealed the prevention of drug abuse in Indonesia. This is an important priority for the Government.
"Earlier I met with Marthinus Hukom, Head of BNN. We discussed several things related to issues that of course we need to resolve, especially to further encourage organizational strengthening at BNN," she said, as reported by the RRI on Thursday (2/6/2025).
As a non-structural institution, he said, BNN is positioned under and responsible to the President. This is regulated in Article 64 of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics.
BNN has the task of assisting the President in preventing and eradicating the abuse and illicit trafficking of narcotics.
"The Ministry of PANRB is certainly ready to conduct dialogue and discussion to conduct analysis on how the strengthening that must be carried out by BNN," she said.
Meanwhile, Rini also explained that strengthening coordination, collaboration, and synergy between the BNN and the Indonesian National Police (INP) in handling narcotics crimes needs to be continuously improved.
According to her, this is important considering that INP has a narcotics enforcement work unit spread across various institutional levels, from the center, provinces, to districts/cities.
"A solid synergy between the BNN and INP will not only increase the effectiveness of narcotics crime enforcement, but also support the efficiency of task implementation and optimal utilization of resources," he said.
He hopes that BNN can improve and expand international cooperation. Given the scale of crime and the spread of narcotics is global or cross-country and regional.