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People Needs Political Education: Coordinating Minister Hadi Says

By Pramudita Sabtu, 24 Agustus 2024 Pengunjung (294) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Hadi Tjahjanto says that people need to be educated on politics ahead of 2024 Regional Head Elections.

“We will improve their political education so that we can assure a safe and conducive regional head election,” says Coordinating Minister Hadi on Wednesday (8/21/2024).

According to Coordinating Minister Hadi, politics education is needed so people can understand the importance of using their rights to vote in elections.

Moreover, political education would also strengthen their knowledge so that they would not be affected by hoaxes that spread in social media.

Coordinating Minister Hadi continues that the education could help people in overseeing the election to assure that every element involved in the election is obeying the law and regulations.

Furthermore, in educating the public all parties, including the military, police, Election Supervisory Body, and General Election Commission, can participate. Intellectuals are also welcomed to contribute in educating the people about politics.

On the other hand, mass media also has the responsibility to educate the people through educative and balanced reporting.

“Mass media has the power to make sure the 2024 Regional Head Election will go smoothly by providing accurate and balanced reporting. Through this effort, we are sure that the election would be far from conflicts,” conclude Coordinating Minister Hadi.


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