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Police Personnel Splashed by Acid Waters During Night Patrol in North Jakarta

By Pramudita Selasa, 03 Desember 2024 Pengunjung (471) 1 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. A member of Security Development and Public Order Unit in Cilincing, North Jakarta, was splashed with acid after patrolling at 04.30 WIB. The name of the police personnel is Second Police Assistant Brigadier Ibrohim.

“Yes, the incident occurred at 04.30 am when doing a night patrol. In his patrol, he found a group of teenagers and tried to send them home,” said the Head of North Jakarta Sub-regional Metro Police Chief, Senior Superintendent Ahmad Fuady when confirmed on Monday (12/2/2024).

Ahmad continued that Ibrohim had to fire a warning shot upwards to disperse the group of teenagers.

"However, not long afterward one of the teenagers returned and splashed the acid on him. Now, he is undergoing medical treatment," said Ahmad.

The teenagers who had gathered at that time, said Ahamd, have now been secured and are in the process of being questioned. However, the teenager who threw the acid is still being pursued.


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