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Police Socialize the Dangers of Drugs, Online Gambling, and Bullying at School in Mataram City

By Admin INP Senin, 24 Februari 2025 Pengunjung (110) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Mataram. The Community Development Directorate of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Regional Police held a socialization to the school children and teachers of Ampenan Elementary School 13, Mataram City on Friday (2/21/2025). 

The activity was to appeal to the students and teachers about the danger of drug abuse, bullying, online gambling, and to advise them to be wise on social media.

“This educational program is part of our concern to the young generations on the negative habit that may impact their future,” says the NTB Regional Police official, First Police Inspector Wiwin Indarti.

Wiwin, who led the activity, stressed that drugs possessed a great danger to the future of the young generations. He invites all students to avoid drugs that can destroy their lives and future.

Other than drugs, bullying is also part of her concerns and reminds the student to always respect each other. She also told the students to immediately report any bullying actions that they may find.

The police on that occasion also highlighted the rampant online gambling that has begun to target children and teenagers. Officers appealed to students not to be tempted by the lure of big prizes from online gambling games because it can be detrimental both materially and behaviorally.

No less important, the police also invited students to be wiser in using social media. With the rapid development of technology, children need to understand digital ethics, privacy, and the risks of spreading hoax information that can harm themselves and others.

"Teachers and parents/guardians of students must also play an active role in supervising children, both in the school environment and at home. With the cooperation of all parties, it is hoped that students can grow in a positive environment and be free from negative influences that can threaten their future," concluded Wiwin.

This socialization received a positive response from teachers and students of SDN 13 Ampenan. They hope that activities like this can be carried out routinely so that students increasingly understand the importance of protecting themselves from bad influences around them


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