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Prabowo Calls for Action Against Budget Markups

By Pramudita Kamis, 02 Januari 2025 Pengunjung (109) 1 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. President Prabowo orders the central and regional government officials to act against budget markup practices as it is part of corruption.

President Prabowo said that preventive measures have currently been implemented to prevent markups, including digitalization programs in procurement such as e-catalog, e-government, and govtech.

President Prabowo continued, the action of marking up the project budget is what causes the State Budget to balloon up. He also ordered all parties, including the executive in government, the legislative, and the judiciary to work together to eradicate mark up practices.

“We are now working on national projects and in this effort, we want to prevent any acts of manipulation and mark up. This effort requires the role of all parties, form the judiciary, legislative, and the executive,” underscores President Prabowo.

Regarding the amount, he will reveal the value of the budget leak on another occasion. If necessary, the President continued, he will reveal it in a cabinet meeting.

"If necessary in the cabinet meeting later, maybe specifically the regents, governors I will invite specifically," said President Prabowo.


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