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Southwest Papua Regional Police Chief Instructs All Ranks to Act Against Illegal Logging

By Admin INP Senin, 06 Januari 2025 Pengunjung (123) 1 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Sorong. The Southwest Papua Regional Police, Brigadier General Gatot Haribowo orders the sub-regional police chiefs to immediately act against illegal logging in their respective regions.

“We cannot let the illegal logging continue here in Southwest Papua and I instruct all personnel to immediately enforce the law against these violators,” says Gatot on Sunday (1/5/2025).

To all sub-regional police chiefs, Gatot hopes that they would immediately acts against illegal loggers so that forests included in conservation areas can be maintained for the welfare of the community.

Gatot also underscores his commitment in acting against illegal logging in effort to preserve the conservation areas in Southwest Papua.

“This has become our attention and commitment in preserving conservation forest,”

Furthermore, Gatot also noted that his forces alone is not enough in handling this matter, thus he would like to ask for the best cooperation from sub-regional police ranks in resolving this matter together.

“Later on when we have received more additional personnel, we will then station our personnel in each region potentially prone to illegal logging activities,” concludes Gatot.


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