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Stevani Ibo Wins First Gold for Papua Mountains

By Admin 1 Kamis, 05 September 2024 Pengunjung (264) 1 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id - Banda Aceh. Stevani Maysche Ibo, a paddler from Papua Mountains, won her first gold medal at the National Sports Week (PON) Aceh- North Sumatra 2024, winning the women’s kayak single 1000 meters event at Waduk Keuliling, Aceh Besar.

On Wednesday morning (4/9/2024), Stevani faced the challenging waters of Waduk Keuliling. Despite strong winds that made the course difficult during the qualifiers and semifinals, she managed to excel, according to antaranews.com.

Stevani, who has previously won two golds and one silver at PON West Jawa 2016 and two golds at PON Papua 2020, returned to competitive kayaking after a brief hiatus. 

She joined Papua Mountains, a new province, after not being called up by Papua.

Her victory, with a time of 3 minutes 48 seconds, is not only a personal triumph but also a historic first gold for Papua Mountains at PON 2024. 



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