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Suicide Prevention Narration Changes Can Save Lives: Health Minister Says

By Pramudita Sabtu, 14 September 2024 Pengunjung (182) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin says that changing the suicide prevention narration can save lives.

Minister Budi says that every year 700,000 lives were lost due to suicide. The reality, he says, reminds that every person plays integral role in preventing the suicide tragedy.

“Suicide and mental health is something that is very close to us. Mental illness is real, no one is immune from it. We never know who among us is struggling in silence,” explained the Minister of Health on Wednesday (9/11/2024).

Furthermore, his party urges all to be brave to speak up and begin the conversation about mental health, both in home, school, places of worship, or in the workplace. By building supportive community, everyone can take part in building a world worth living

“I want to think about this one: If you, or your loved ones are in despair, how would you want the people around you to react? Thus, let us together realize a world where people are hopeful and supportive before everything is too late,” urged Minister Budi.

He also committed to erase the stigma related to mental illness and build a community that cares for each other, where every individual can feel they are heard and accepted.

“It is okay not to be okay. It is okay to seek help,” concludes Minister Budi.


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