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10 Died and Two Missing from the Landslide in Sukabumi: BNPB Reports

By Pramudita Selasa, 10 Desember 2024 Pengunjung (210) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) stated that there were 10 people who died and two were missing during the search for the flood and landslide disaster in Sukabumi Regency, West Java.

Head of the BNPB Disaster Data, Information and Communication Center Abdul Muhari said that the 10 victims who died included the nine people buried under landslide muds and one person who died due to flash floods.

“The victims who died have been evacuated and handed over to their respective families following the search by the joint SAR team from the Bandung SAR Office, Mobile Brigade SAR Unit of West Java Regional Police, military and volunteers," explained Abdul on Monday (12/9/2024).

Moreover, Abdul says that the joint team has reported that there are still two missing people due to the flash flood disaster.

He revealed that the ongoing search operation for missing victims faces challenges of weather and difficult-to-access terrain.

"The latest report from the Main Post officers in Pendopoan Sukabumi Regency, was that the search operation was forced to stop at 16.00 WIB because heavy rain threatened the safety of officers in the field. The search operation will be continued on Tuesday (12/10/24) morning," said Abdul


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