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A Dead Body Found Under Sugutamu River Bridge in Depok

By Pramudita Senin, 30 September 2024 Pengunjung (201) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. People of Depok were shocked  after a man's body was found under the Sugutamu River bridge, Sukmajaya, Depok City,

Head of Public Relations of the Depok Sub-regional Metro Police, Police Senior Inspector Hendra said that the police suspect that the victim died after falling into the river. Based on witness statements, they had seen the man sitting on the edge of the river under the bridge prior to the incident.

"Then at 06.30 pm, when the witness came home from the shop, he was told by residents that there was a body on the riverbank," said Hendra on Saturday (9/28/2024).

Hendra said that the witness saw the victim sitting and sleeping in a hut near the crime scene. Residents also gave the man food and drink before he was found dead.

"The victim was also given food and drink by the witness but he didn't eat it. For 2 days the victim only sat and slept in front of the hut and didn't speak, until finally the victim was found dead on the riverbank. The victim died allegedly after falling into the river," explained Hendra.

Based on the results of the initial examination, continued Hendra, the police did not find any wounds or signs of violence on the victim's body. The man's body was then taken to the Polri Hospital.


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