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Bapanas Invites Young Generations to Not Waste Food

By Cpiet Selasa, 30 Juli 2024 Pengunjung (150) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The National Food Agency (Bapanas) urges youth to stop wasting food by encouraging wiser consumption habits for sustainable food security.

“Avoiding wasting food habits must be nurtured from an early age. The youth plays an important role in pushing and realizing food sustainability by stopping wasting food,” says the Bapanas Deputy for Food and Nutrition Insecurity Nyoto Suwignyo in a written statement on Monday (7/29/2024).

The Socialization of the Save Food Movement (GSP) through the Stop Waste of Food activity is part of the food waste prevention effort and also to raise public awareness. Bapanas currently is intensifying the socialization of stopping food waste through writing, creative video content, and innovations in processing excess food into new menu variants as an effort to attract young people to support this effort.

“Collaboration with various stakeholders is the key to resolve food and nutrition problems and the role of the younger generation is very important in efforts to prevent food waste," said Deputy Nyoto.

Previously, Bapanas Chief Arief Prasetyo Adi has also invited public to not waste food.

"Let's get used to not wasting the food on the dining table, empty the plates and finish the food," said the Head of Bapanas.


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