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BUMN and Tourism Ministries to Form Joint Team in Strengthening National Tourism Integration

By Pramudita Minggu, 03 November 2024 Pengunjung (136) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Indonesian Minister of State-Owned Enterprises, Erick Thohir, held a meeting with Minister of Tourism, Widiyanti Putri Wardhana, to strengthen the integration of the National Tourism sector.

“The concept is that we are going to do it together, at least in the next one or two weeks, we will be able to form a joint team. We also expect to be able to review all policies to ensure that it goes well,” says Erick on Thursday (10/31/2024).

In his statement, the presence of the joint team can be a huge step in fixing the complexity of Indonesian tourism management. This also has caught the attention of Indonesian President Prabowo Subianto.

"One of President Prabowo's instructions was how to mix and combine our different 'backgrounds' into one to ensure that the duties assigned by the President goes smoothly," he explained

Furthermore, he also said, the presence of this task force is a concrete effort in aligning all policies to become one. It is hoped that it can provide solutions, including the issue of ticket prices.

He hopes that inter-ministerial collaboration can provide a breakthrough in catching up on the lag in Indonesia's tourism sector. His party is ready to encourage the State-owned Enterprises penetration in the tourism sector to transportation to support the national tourism improvement program.


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