- Central Java. In effort to support national food security, the Mobile Brigade Unit of Central Java Regional Police Mobile Brigade Unit held a mass corn harvest on Mobile Brigade agricultural land located in Geneng Duwur Village, Gemolong District, Sragen, on Saturday (2/1/2025).
Led by the Commander of Central Java Regional Police Mobile Brigade Unit, Senior Superintendent Nurhudaya, followed by 150 personnel, the harvest is part of the commitment of the unit in supporting the national food security, balancing public economy, and strengthening police relations with the public.
“Today we have successfully harvested 9 tons of corn from two hectares of land in Sragen. We hope that this farmland can continue to be used optimally in support of the national food security program,” says Nur Hudaya.
Nur Hudaya also adds that his party will continue to give their support and contribution to the national program so that its benefit can be felt by the general public.
He continued that the harvest demonstrates the success in the agricultural sector.
"This harvest also reflects success in the agricultural sector, and also shows the spirit of mutual cooperation that we must continue to encourage in society. Collaboration between the Central Java Regional Police and the community like this is an important part of realizing the vision of Golden Indonesia," concluded Nur Hudaya.