- Jakarta. Coordinator of Food Sector of the Directorate of Food and Agriculture of the Ministry of National Development Planning Ifan Martino ensured that the design of free nutritious meals utilizes local food for Indonesia's food sovereignty.
Coordinator Ifan said, to increase the production and strength of local food, the government has also issued Law (UU) 59 of 2024 concerning the National Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPN) 2024-2045.
"In it, there is a transformation of strengthening local food based on the potentials of each region," said Coordinator Ifan.
In addition, in providing free nutritious food, the ministry also designed a food redistribution design to reduce food waste.
Related to food waste, based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), each person in Indonesia contributes 115-184 kg of food waste per person per year, which if converted into rupiah, is around IDR 200-551 trillion per year.
“And if the number is converted to the number of people, instead of wasted food could have fed almost half of the Indonesian population,” explains Irfan.
For this reason, according to him, it is important to increase food security across several places to increase economic productivity, one of which is through increasing the productivity of the agricultural sector, then food and ecological security.