- Jakarta. Minister of Higher Education, Science, and Technology Satryo Soemantri Brodjonegoro is committed to accelerating the resolution of various challenges in advancing higher education in Indonesia.
"The challenges faced by higher education are not new, but have existed, and will definitely continue to exist. . We are trying to achieve faster resolution of various challenges in higher education," said the Minister Satryo on Wednesday (11/6/2024).
Furthermore, Satryo conveyed a number of challenges in Indonesian higher education, including the low employment of higher education graduates. According to him, the challenge arose, among other things, because higher education was not relevant to industry needs.
"It could be because of the irrelevance of higher education, or because on the one hand we see that Indonesia's job market is relatively very minimal for our university graduates," explained Satryo.
Next, another challenge faced by universities is related to the lack of attention to the development of science and technology.
He emphasized that this challenge must be overcome because it is important to realize the vision of making Indonesia a developed country or Golden Indonesia in 2045.
"That (making Indonesia a developed country) is only possible if our children are equipped with skills in science and technology," noted Minister Satryo.
For that, the Ministry of Education and Science and Technology will try to increase and improve the quality of research in Indonesia.
Another challenge in higher education that needs to be overcome is related to policy. According to him, regulations and policies that change rapidly actually hinder the achievement of national education goals.
"Regulations and policies that change too quickly have resulted in the failure to achieve national education goals. So, in the future we will also minimize the occurrence of changes that hinder the development of higher education," explained Satryo.