- Jakarta. The (Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Technology handed over the 2025 Smart Indonesia Card (KIP) Scholarship Fund. The scholarship was given to 1,040,192 Indonesian students.
Secretary General Togar M. Simatupang, said that this scholarship is one of the national priority programs in the field of higher education.
"In 2025, the KIP-K scholarship program will be given to 1,040,192 students, both to those who are currently studying and the new students," he said on Friday (3/14/2025).
In addition, 9,141 students at various state and private universities in Indonesia also received ADik scholarship funds.
He said that this program aims to ensure that higher education can be accessed by all Indonesian people, "especially for those who have economic limitations. Then also, from the outermost, and disadvantaged areas". he explained.
He hopes that all stakeholders can understand the scholarship distribution mechanism in detail, as well as informing the public how to participate for the sustainability of quality and inclusive higher education.