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Parents Urged Not to Take Chickenpox on Children Lightly

By Pramudita Selasa, 26 November 2024 Pengunjung (159) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI) Immunization Task Force reminds the public not to take chickenpox in children lightly. This is because chickenpox can cause several complications such as bacterial infections of the skin and soft tissue and even lung infections.

"Some children who get chickenpox can experience serious complications due to bacterial infections of the skin, and can even cause pneumonia," explained IDAI Immunization Task Force Member Soedjatmiko.

Chickenpox or varicella is caused by infection with the varicella zoster virus which is characterized by the appearance of a red and itchy rash on several parts of the body. Usually, the rash first appears on the face and body and then becomes small blisters that spread throughout the body.

This disease is very contagious in the school or home environment. Therefore, if a child has chickenpox, it is best for him/her not to go to school until the chickenpox scars are dry and no new blisters appear.

"In addition, clothes, towels, cutlery, and toys of smallpox sufferers should be washed separately from other items and dried in the sun. However, transmission can still occur because the smallpox virus is invisible," said Soedjatmiko.

He said that in order for someone not to get chickenpox, the easiest and most effective way is to get smallpox immunization from the age of one year. With one injection, he added, immunity to smallpox begins to form within two weeks.

Then, friends or family members who live with smallpox patients, if they have not received varicella immunization, are advised to be vaccinated as soon as possible, less than five days after exposure.

In addition, pregnant women are advised to stay away from smallpox patients, because if infected, this infection can endanger the fetus in the womb.

Cases of chickenpox have been reported to have spread in a number of schools in various regions in Indonesia, such as Cilegon, South Tangerang, and Situbondo.


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