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PBNU Urges Santri to Avoid Provocation Amidst Police Clashes

By Admin 1 Selasa, 03 September 2024 Pengunjung (166) 2 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Chairperson of the Executive Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU), Abdullah Latopada, has called on all members of society, especially NU followers and santri, to remain calm and not be provoked by the ongoing tensions.

Santri refers to  students who study at a pesantren, an Islamic boarding school in Indonesia. 

Recently, there have been reports of clashes between santri,  and the police, with the hashtag #santrimenolakpolisi, or literally santri reject the police, trending on social media, driven by certain buzzers.

"The relationship between the police and santri has always been positive. INP Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo deeply respects the kiais," said Abdullah in a written statement on Monday (2/9/2024), referring to respected Islamic religious leaders, teachers, or scholars in Indonesia, particularly within the context of pesantren (Islamic boarding schools).

He explained that the hashtag capitalized on an incident where tear gas used by the police during a protest inadvertently affected some santri in the vicinity.

"For the tear gas incident, I believe the police, through the Central Java Police Public Relations Division, have already apologized and visited the location. This should not be blown out of proportion to create a rift between NU santri and the police," Abdullah added.

He emphasized the strong relationship between the police and santri, particularly those from NU and pesantren, highlighting their cooperation in various activities.

Abdullah also noted that General Sigit frequently consults with NU kiai, showing his respect and willingness to engage in dialogue. 

"The Police Chief is approachable and always open to discussions, particularly for matters of national interest," he said, urging the public to disregard false narratives suggesting a rift between the police and santri.



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